International Project [As an independent expert in geotechnical engineering]
Role: Project framework preparation, overall field supervision, analysis, report preparation
Government Project
Geotechnical Investigation (Role: Field supervision, laboratory testing, analysis, interpretation, report preparation).
Design/ Vetting/Investigation (Role: Analysis, report preparation).
Industry/Private Project
Geotechnical Investigation & Topo Survey (Role: Field supervision, laboratory testing, analysis, interpretation, report preparation).
Design/ Vetting/Investigation (Role: Analysis, report preparation).
Role: Project framework preparation, overall field supervision, analysis, report preparation
- Sub-soil investigation for Sewerage Network for PESSCM-1/W2. | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Zhongnan-Sinohydro JV (Power China), China.
- Sub-Soil Investigation for feasibility Study for Chattogram Sewerage System Development (Catchment-6). | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Nippon Koei Limited, Japan.
- Sub-soil investigation for Chittagong WASH improvement project. | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Joint venture of SUEZ consulting (SAFEGE), France, and Associates for Development Services Limited, Bangladesh.
- Sub-Soil investigation for Proposed Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) of CWASA at Middle Halishahar, Chattogram. | Client: Dhong Myeong Engineering Consultants & Architecture, South Korea.
- Sub-Soil Investigation for Feasibility Study for Chattogram Sewerage System Development in Chattogram. (Catchment 2 & 4). | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Nippon Koei Limited, Japan
- Sub-Soil Investigation for Sewerage Network in Chattogram (Package – W3). | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: CCECC-TCEL-JV, China.
- Trial excavation for feasibility study for Chattogram sewerage system development (catchment 6). | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Nippon Koei Limited, Japan.
- Feasibility study of mini hydro prospects In Bangladesh. | Client: Ludwig Pfeiffer Hoch-und Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG, Kassel, Germany.
- Estimation of Canal/Drain Depth Below Culvert Level at Different Points in Chattogram Metropolitan Area for Design of Sewer Network (Catchment-1). | Client: JV of Erinco-BETS-IWM.
- Topographic Survey for Sewerage Network in Chattogram (Package – W3). | Project Owner: CWASA. | Client: CCECC-TCEL-JV, China.
- Topographic Survey for Feasibility Study for Chattogram Sewerage System Development (Catchment-6). | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: NK Urban Space Co. Limited, Japan.
- Topographic survey for feasibility study on integrated waste management system in Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Client: Yachiyo Engineering Company Limite, Japan.
- Geotechnical analysis (Embankment) & ground improvement design for proposed 4-lane highway from Dharkhar to Akhaura | Client: Afcons Infrastructure Limited, India.
- Analysis Report for Braced Cut Design for Launching Chamber (B-LINE 2nd Phase) for Bhandal Juri Water Supply Project of CWASA. | Client: Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Company Limited, South Korea.
- Structural Design Review of Sewerage Treatment Plant at Middle Halishahar, Chattogram. | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Company Limited, South Korea.
- Analysis Report on Formwork (Supporting System) for Elevated Water Tank of Bhandaljuri Water Supply Project. | Client: Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Company Limited, South Korea.
- Braced Cut Design for Launching Chamber (B-LINE 2nd Phase) for Bhandal Juri Water Supply Project of CWASA. | Client: Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Company Limited, South Korea.
Government Project
Geotechnical Investigation (Role: Field supervision, laboratory testing, analysis, interpretation, report preparation).
- Sub-soil investigation for new UF-85 tank at Kafco, Rangadia, Anowara, Chattogram. | Client: Karnaphuli Fertilizer Company Limited (KAFCO) [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Sub-soil investigation report for construction of cable car in Naf Tourism Park at Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar. | Client: Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Sub-soil investigation for CUET IT business incubator. | Client: Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Sub-soil investigation for a bridge project at Mirsarai Economic Zone, Chattogram. | Client: Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Sub-soil investigation for Chittagong Chemical Industries Limited at Sitakund, Chattogram. | Client: Chittagong Chemical Industries Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Geotechnical laboratory testing for Installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) with Double Pipe Line Project. | Client: China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company, China. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Sub-soil investigation for the project “Rehabilitatioin of Polder’s (67/A, 67, 67/B &68) along Border River of Naf for Improving Bangladesh-Myanmar Security” for construction of multiple regulators. | Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (Cox’s Bazar). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for Patiya FCDI Project for construction of multiple regulators in Patiya, Chattogram. | Client: Bangladesh Water Development Board (Chattogram). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of seawall at Ch. 8+100 to 8+500 at Marine Drive Road, Cox’s Bazar. | Client: 34 Engineering Construction Brigade (ECB), Bangladesh Army. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of bridge at Ch. 19+250, Nalkata, Khagrachari-Panchari Road, Khagrachari. | Client: Roads and Highways Department (Khagrachari). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for Construction of Tomru Bridge at Chainage 2+650km under Boarder Road (Rangamati, Khagrachari & Bandarban) Development Project at Ghumdhum, Bandarban. | Client: 34 Engineering Construction Brigade (ECB), Bangladesh Army. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for Construction of 6 Vent Drainage Regulator at the outfall of Krisho Khal along the right bank of Karnafuli River. | Client: 34 Engineering Construction Brigade (ECB), Bangladesh Army. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of over ground reservoir and water purification plant including ancillary works at Bandarban Cantonment, Bangladesh. | Client: Bangladesh Army
- Sub-soil investigation for Construction of 22.89 m (1*21.340m) Long R.C.C. Girder Bridge at 17th (p) Km (Ch. 16 km+969.00m) of Rangamati (Ghagra)-Chandraghona-Bangalhalia-Bandarban Road (R-161) at Refugee Para, Rangamati. | Client: Roads and Highways Department (Rangamati). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of two no’s RCC water reservoir (underground) including pump house near ESS-11 at Port Colony, Chattogram. | Client: Chattogram Port Authority. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of 1lac gallon capacity overhead water tank with underground water reservoir near electric sub-station no-12 (flotila) at Abhaymitra ghat r/a, Chattogram. | Client: Chattogram Port Authority. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for bridge-01 over Ching-Chong Khal at Ch. 0+700 and bridge-02 over Kaptai Khal at Ch. 1+100 in Rangamati, Bangladesh. | Client: 34 Engineering Construction Brigade (ECB), Bangladesh Army. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for construction of ETP at Eastern Refinery Limited, Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Client: Eastern Refinery Limited. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for re-construction of jetty in the Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Limited at Anowara, Chattogram. | Client: Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Limited (CUFL). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for evaluation of existing condition and prospective vertical extension of three-Storied training complex building at Eastern Refinery Limited, Patenga, Chattogram. | Client: Eastern Refinery Limited. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for 3no 180m bridges at three locations (Bolipara, Kechopara, Betchora) in Bandarban. | Client: Chittagong Hill Tract Development Board. [as an independent expert]
Design/ Vetting/Investigation (Role: Analysis, report preparation).
- Design vetting of slope stability of Baizid Link Road. | Client: Chattogram Development Authority (CDA). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Foundation design vetting of academic buildings of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University. | Client: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Assessment of structural capacity of New Mooring Container Terminal for operation of LHM-425 Mobile Harbour Crane. | Client: Chattogram Port Authority. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Structural design vetting of Balu Bridge at Dhaka. | Client: 24 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Structural design vetting of retaining wall for Sheikh Kamal IT Incubator at Bandarban, Bangladesh. | Client: Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Structural design vetting of dome of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center. | Client: Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Hydrology and morphological study for planning and design of road bridge on Sangu River under Bandarban District. | Client: Chattogram Hill Tract Boards. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Design of water supply system of two areas (CRB and Pahartali) and vetting of water treatment plant (100 cum per day) at CRB, Chattogram. | Client: Bangladesh Railway. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Report on collapse of CGS retaining wall at Mirsarai Economic Zone, Chattogram. | Client: Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Preliminary investigation of the present condition and possible remedial measures for T-76, T-97, T-100 and P-159 Hangers at BAF Zahurul Haq Base, Chattogram. | Client: Bangladesh Air Force. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Preliminary investigation report for Gunners’ English School at Halishahar Cantonment, Chattogram. | Client: Bangladesh Army. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Preliminary investigation report for the factory building of Eastern Cables Limited at North Patenga, Chattogram. | Client: Eastern Cables Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Vetting of three-storied operator building at Bangabandhu Shilpo Park, Mirsarai, Chattogram. | Client: Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Consultancy services for detailed engineering assessment of two schools in Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Client: Chattogram City Corporation. [as an independent expert]
Industry/Private Project
Geotechnical Investigation & Topo Survey (Role: Field supervision, laboratory testing, analysis, interpretation, report preparation).
- Sub-soil investigation (sample collection and in-situ testing) for establishment of an Inland Container Depot at Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Project Owner: A K Khan and Company Limited. | Client: Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-Soil Investigation for Sewerage Network (Catchment-1, Package-W1), Chattogram. | Project Owner: CWASA | Client: ESOLVE International Limited. [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for multi-storied mixed-used building for Sena Kalyan Sangstha at Mehedibagh, Chattogram. | Client: Sena Kalyan Construction & Development Limited (SKCDL). [as an independent expert]
- Sub-soil investigation for wastewater treatment plant at Rohingya Camp, Cox’s Bazar | Client: BRAC. [as an independent expert]
- Topographic survey for AKK land at Batali Hill, Chattogram. | Client: A K Khan and Company Limited. [as an independent expert]
- Topographic survey for establishment of an Inland Container Depot at Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Project Owner: A K Khan and Company Limited. | Client: Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology. [as an independent expert]
- Topographic Survey for Sewerage Treatment Plant at Middle Halishahar, Chattogram. | Project Owner: CWASA. | Client: Dong Myeong Engineering Consultant & Architecture Co., Ltd. [as an independent expert]
- Topographic survey for AKK land at Batali Hills, Chattogram. | Client: A K Khan and Company Limited. [as an independent expert]
- Topographic survey for Fully Covered Pre-Fabricated Steel Structured Bagged Urea Godown, Slope Protection and Wall Fencing, Road & Yard, and Service Building within KAFCO, Anowara, Chattogram, Bangladesh. | Client: Karnaphuli Fertilizer Company Limited (KAFCO). [as an independent expert]
Design/ Vetting/Investigation (Role: Analysis, report preparation).
- Slope protection of BSRM Sub-Station at Khulshi, Chattogram. | Client: BSRM Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Design vetting of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall for Chittagong City Outer Ring Road project. | Client: Spectra Engineering Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Structural integrity assessment of multiple dams at Sitakund, Chattogram. | Client: Abul Khair Steel Melting Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Design of an Inland Container Depot at Alongkar Mor, Chattogram. | Client: A K Khan and Company Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA) for three-storied industrial building at Sagorika, Chattogram. | Client: Vintage Textile Limited. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Structural design vetting of four-storied utility building for Deluxe Fashion at Chattogram DOHS, Chattogram. | Client: Cantonment Executive Office. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Preliminary investigation report for the office building of Summit Alliance Port Limited (SAPL) at Kathgor, Chattogram. | Client: Summit Alliance Port Limited (SAPL). [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]
- Preliminary investigation and justification of demolition of part of Chittagong Bar Association Building at Court Building Road, Chattogram. | Client: Chattogram District Bar Association. [as an expert member of BRTC, CUET]